Last week I had the pleasure of being a guest speaker for a Marine Systems Class at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU). The focus was on a chapter called the “Dynamic Shoreline” and I was happy to be able share some of the pictures I have taken on the dynamic shoreline of Cayo Costa Island. I was able to provide first hand knowledge of how the shoreline changes with the wind, water and waves through various pictures I have taken over the past 20 years. I enjoyed reviewing old notes, papers and books on Cayo Costa in preparation for this college class. Hopefully the students gained some knowledge and enjoyed my presentation as much as I did.
Kathy H
Posted at 09:05h, 08 OctoberWhat a neat opportunity!
Cindy Senkar
Posted at 15:17h, 09 OctoberSure wish Jackie, Kathy and I could have attended. I'm sure you've seen a lot of change over 20 years.
Gail Douglas
Posted at 01:01h, 10 OctoberWhat a great experience to be able to share your knowledge with the next generation. Wish I was there to hear you. See you in Nov!
Posted at 02:02h, 12 OctoberProbably not lots of Latin but dang cool nonetheless! Way to go Brian. 🙂
Capt. Brian Holaway
Posted at 02:11h, 12 OctoberIt was a lot of fun going over information and photos I had not looked at in over a decade. Susan, as far as the latin I brushed up on some(pun intended) and have a new species I am working on. I was hoping to get conformation when I was at FGCU. But it looks like it will have to wait till I can get back down to the campus.