A person can never learn enough. I was thrilled to attend a workshop for turtle monitoring today. Turtles are one of my favorite sea creatures. I am excited to pass along on our beach walks some new information that I learned. The most interesting things I learned about are the different turtle tracks and how to identify different species. I look forward to putting these new skills to use. Turtle season begins in May and ends in October. Capt. Brian
Kim@Snug Harbor
Posted at 00:56h, 03 AprilThat sounds interesting. I can't wait to hear about this on our next visit.
Gail Douglas
Posted at 00:56h, 03 AprilThat is really cool. I have seen turtle tracks a couple of times on Sanibel, but I didn't realize the turtles leave different tracks. I want to hear about the turtles in May.
Posted at 02:52h, 05 AprilCaretta caretta and Chelonia mydas. Nice 🙂
Capt. Brian Holaway
Posted at 02:56h, 05 AprilSusan, Your speaking my language. Like it:) P.S. Saw two Caretta caretta today.