12 Feb Unexpected Surprise!
It was a perfect day on the water with David, Arlene, Jack and Linda from the beautiful state of South Dakota. David is an avid photographer and on this trip we both got an unexpected surprise to photograph, Manta Rays! It has been over 2 decades since these rays have been spotted close to the islands. You can often see spotted eagle rays, cow nose rays and the southern stingray but not the manta ray. David got some great shots of the rays and thanks to his wife for spotting them, I also got some great shots. After a nice walk on the beach and photography on the beach we went to secret spot no number and had a delicious lunch made by Linda. You never know what will appear in the lens of your camera. Thanks for a great day on the water!
Capt. Brian
Kim@Snug Harbor
Posted at 04:06h, 12 FebruaryOh how cool to see that and get to photograph it.
Looks nice seeing people in bathing suits. We had -5 with -35 wind chills here today. 🙂
Posted at 04:06h, 12 FebruaryYou never cease to amaze me! Xoxo
Posted at 03:34h, 14 FebruaryWhat a pretty day. We haven't seen sky that blue for months. I remember seeing a spotted eagle ray flying out of the water not far from Cayo that looked huge. How big were the manta rays?
Posted at 06:52h, 19 FebruaryCapt. Brian….I just visited your site and found out that a ray I put back in the water today WAS a manta ray!!! I knew it looked like it, but didn't realize they were her anymore, or that small!!! I linked my blog to your site since you are our resident expert!! How awesome! that they are here!! Thanks again for your expertise!!!