The Miller family have traveled with me to the out islands for a number of years. Three weeks ago Corey the father called and said, “All my daughter wants for her eighth birthday is to go out with Captain Brian”. I thought it would be a great idea to get a cake and surprise her and the rest of the family. While the family was out snorkeling and swimming I brought the cooler with the cake in it and all of the provisions for an island birthday party. It turned out great! The weather and water was perfect. Great treasures were found on the beach and in the water. Graham found a large anchor (that is currently in the back of my truck) and Chloe found a shiva shell that was very large. I always enjoy the time on the water with the Miller family. Happy Birthday Quincy!
Roxanne Reinhart
Posted at 16:24h, 27 JuneI bet they were surprised! How sweet of you.
Love the photos, the water color is amazing and you've "framed" each shot great.
Gail Douglas
Posted at 23:28h, 27 JuneYou are so kind to give the family such a memorable experience!!
Karen Blackford
Posted at 23:28h, 27 JuneWay to celebrate!! You are the best shelling captain evah!
Posted at 09:41h, 28 JuneI can't think of a better way to celebrate a birthday 🙂 So thoughtful with the island party!!
Kim@Snug Harbor
Posted at 02:26h, 29 JuneAnd THAT is why people love you so much!!
Little Black Scrap Cat
Posted at 22:17h, 29 JuneWell how sweet is that!! You rock, Capt Brian!!!