Last Sunday I had the opportunity to meet Wade Davis and listen to him speak about his most recent book, Into The Silence. Wade Davis is the author of fifteen books and an award winning anthropologist who is an in resident explorer for National Geographic. He was also a student of my all time favorite ethnobotanist, Richard Evans Schultes. In my eyes, Schultes is the “father of ethnobotany” and one of the greatest plant explorers of all time. In the year 2000 I had the opportunity to travel to the Amazon Rain Forest in Peru and study plants in one of the many areas that Schultes had studied 50 years before. It was the opportunity of a life time and it was all brought back into focus last Sunday when I met Wade Davis who wrote One River about explorations and discoveries in the Amazon Rain Forest.
Wade Davis inspires me in how I look at plants, people and cultures.
THANK YOU Mr. Davis!
Kim@Snug Harbor
Posted at 04:24h, 22 JanuaryWell, that was all very interesting! Love the photos.
Traci Mason
Posted at 04:24h, 22 JanuaryOh wow..how cool is that to see someone you admire so much! I already know I'd like him, he is a fellow NatGeo!!!! A current one too!! O.O Oh how I would love to do some old school Nat Geo talk'in with him!!
Okay Brian, Rob and I had to chuckle looking at your pics from back in the day…you had HAIR and a lot of it, full face beard & stash! Lol…
I love adventure and everything nature but you couldnt pay me enough to roam around the Amazon! Way too many dangerous stuff, beautiful but dangerous. I do just fine seeing it on TV and hearing about it from you! An awesome adventure for you and memorable!!
Posted at 16:33h, 22 JanuaryWhat an amazing trip! I especially liked the pic with the parrot on your shoulder.
Posted at 03:28h, 23 JanuaryWere you…..dancing????
Capt. Brian Holaway
Posted at 10:51h, 23 JanuarySusan,It was fesitvial season deep in the jungle. One of the villagers asked me to dance so I did.
Capt. Brian Holaway
Posted at 10:52h, 23 JanuarySusan,It was fesitvial season deep in the jungle. One of the villagers asked me to dance so I did.
Posted at 10:13h, 24 JanuaryLove this post! Great pictures from your trip! I can imagine how cool it was to meet Wade Davis. I just started reading "One River". Thanks for expanding my horizons 🙂
Paul C
Posted at 04:45h, 25 JanuaryCapt. Brian,
Where in Peru? My better half and I spent a year all over se. Peru and into Bolivia, inventorying birds etc. in '99. Alwyn Gentry was the real botanist's botanist… until he died in a plane crash with the best ornithologist (Ted Parker).
Headed to Cayo Costa w/our 7 year old for three nights in Feb. How's water clarity? Would love to get her over some seagrass beds etc.
Capt. Brian Holaway
Posted at 03:48h, 26 JanuaryPaul,I was by the Napo river.80 miles from the Colombian border. Alwyn Gentry was an amazing botanist. I have enjoyed reading his work about Panama as well as South America. I also enjoyed the stories of him playing his saxaphone deep into the night in unique places;)
The water clarity as of today was excellent. We do have a front headed this way so things may get a little stirred up. The water the last 4 days has been perfect. Have a great time camping at Cayo. P.S. There has been some razor bills spotted to the south of the campground out in the gulf. Also frigits just off the point to the south of the campground.