Uncategorized - Captain Brian on the Water - Page 8


Learning from other people is something I relish about my profession. I enjoyed the company of Larry and Pam on a recent outing. Larry was a wealth of knowledge about photography and cameras. (thank you for letting me shoot with your camera) I learned a...

It is always a fun adventure with Lauren and her lively crew. The weather was perfect and we all walked a long way on the beach looking for treasures. Time flew by, but not without finding many treasures by the sea. Many thanks to Lauren...

Brooke and Kate can roll with the tide or whatever comes their way. We started off by exploring the flats where the morning light was beautiful. They enjoyed observing many live shells and learning about the ecosystems of the shell world. Next it was off...

Time lately has been going at a rapid pace. Many coals are in the fire. New projects are in the works. One project has to do with photography. Another project is south of here on an island that rhymes with tuba. I keep thinking of the quote...

It is always a pleasure to see the faces of Ursla, Izzy, Ben, Jennifer, Pat and Walter walk down the dock. Ben, Izzy and Ursla (the kids) always stump me with questions and answers. The kids are excellent shellers, and sometimes a little competitive....