The fog was at 100 ft visibility when I left the dock. The week can be summed up how Frank Bama felt when Trevor Kane walked into the Lone Palm Airport. I was glad to be on the water. The cold front in Kentucky 24 hours ago producing snow was now producing heavy fog in Southwest Florida. I traveled to Cayo Costa with a client that I have guided around the Islands for over 10 years. She and her family are excellent shellers. They have been shelling for decades on Sanibel and the surrounding islands. The fog continued to get thicker as we traveled north to our destination. Van Morrison’s words “Into The Mystic” carried my boat through the fog once again. The beach was surreal with the fog sounds amplified, dolphin took short breaths close to the shore. I could hear them but not see them. Overhead my friend the red shouldered hawk looked surprised to see me on this foggy day. He was sitting on a lower than usual branch in a dead black mangrove tree. My client enjoyed the beach and found the biggest common nutmeg shell I have ever seen. It was the size of a small scotch bonnet. Worm shells, moon snails, albino cockles, baby ears and the largest cockle I have ever held in my hand were found. It was time to travel back to Captiva Island the fog was still present and appearing not to go anywhere fast. Van Morrision once again took control of the helm this time his words talked about “Someone Like You”. The fog never cleared. Always glad to be on the water, fog or no fog.
Jen S.
Posted at 00:08h, 23 JanuaryBrian…you write in a way that I've never known. It's so amazing, and so wonderful. When you describe your adventures, I feel as if I am right there.
Sounds like you had fun time…as always. That is just so great.
Thinking of you.