16 Apr Live Olive Shells
I spent the whole day today with a long time client. We started the trip by traveling to Boca Grande. Taking in the sights and venturing to one of my favorite restaurants, Temptation’s. The food was superb as usual. Then we headed back south to Cayo Costa. The water was clear and the tide was very low. We anchored on the gulf side and promptly found the beach loaded with live lettered olive shells. Sand dollars were photographed in there natural setting. The beach was unusually quiet today. It reminded me of when I was camping in the everglades walking the beach at Cape Sable. The beach was full of tranquillity.
Kim@Snug Harbor
Posted at 01:17h, 18 AprilI love olives! That one in the first picture looks like a beauty.
Capt. Brian Holaway
Posted at 01:34h, 18 AprilI love olives too. I have quite the collection.