I traveled to Cayo Costa Island today with five eager shellers. We traveled along North Captiva in the Gulf of Mexico. The magnificent Frigate bird was enjoying gliding over the dolphins while we all tried to capture a good photo of he dolphin. The dolphin show was great. Many times we could hear the dolphin breath before we saw it. The south southeast wind made the shelling challenging on the gulf side . We walked the beach and explored another spot. The shelling turned out to be better at another spot. Shells found were … Moon shells, two surperb olive shells, baby’s ears, worm shells, bubble shells, two sandollars , half of a rose tellin, angel wings ,sunray venus, and a beautiful key hole limpet. The south wind picked up to 25mph , which made for a rather wet trip across Captiva Pass .We traveled back to Captiva hugging the sandbars, observing many birds like the rare redish egret, brown pelicans, osprey and more dolphin. We also had the opportunity to see two baby manatee’s. What a beautiful day to be on the water!
Posted at 03:51h, 19 MarchI just wanted to say thank you again for taking us out! Chad and I really enjoyed it and will definitely be back again next trip (only 350-some more days…!).