05 Sep Tarpon Lodge with Nancy & Melissa
It was another great adventure with Nancy and Melissa. We started our trip by boating over to the Tarpon lodge for a delicious lunch. then it was off to favorite island number one. The storm clouds were building so we stayed at the north end of the island in a new hiding spot.(it worked great for riding the storm out.) Nancy found a great whelk while Melissa took pictures of the birds and a rainbow. We followed the rainbow back to Captiva just ahead of the next wave of storms. Two days later we went on another great cruise. This time the skies were a little more sunny and the dolphins were very playful as we observed sea turtles eating jellyfish. It was a great day to observe nature on the water.
Roxanne Reinhart
Posted at 09:26h, 05 SeptemberI love that lightning whelk! She captured some great photos as well. Looks like a fab time was had
Kim@Snug Harbor
Posted at 16:50h, 05 SeptemberWhat a beautiful whelk! I figured it must have been chilly out since you had a jacket on.
Posted at 22:21h, 05 SeptemberIt was pretty chilly – high temp that day was only 90 degrees 🙂
Capt. Brian Holaway
Posted at 22:25h, 05 SeptemberKim, In my excitement to look at Nancys whelk I forgot to take my rain jacket off.
Posted at 09:19h, 06 SeptemberI was very excited about the whelk, too! I think I said I would be happy with one shell and what a great shell it is – my biggest whelk ever!! Then there was the rainbow, a wonderful lunch at Tarpon with our gracious host, Rob and our sever, Jen (who makes the best coffee drinks!!) and enough photo ops to keep Melissa busy. We had great spots to wait out the rain – can't expect to be on the water in August and not see some rain, but we never worry because you always have Plans B, C and D – such an adventure with so many memories 🙂 I think our second trip topped the first one, though – lots of sunshine, great company and a wildlife show like notthing we have experienced before. Melissa got tons of great pictures and I just enjoyed soaking up the beauty of it all. Once again, our time with you was the highlight of our trip!! Thank you so much!!!
Posted at 18:14h, 06 SeptemberGreat whelk, and great photos!
Posted at 23:33h, 15 Septemberwow! Nice whelk! Brian – you have a knack for finding those!! 😀