I know I take many photos of this bird, the Great Egret, but it is worthy of every shot. I was filling the boat up with gas when this guy was just calling to have his picture taken. Needless to say it took a long time to fill up with gas. This bird always makes me think of Guy Bradley, a plume hunter, who changed his way of thinking. He wanted to protect the the birds that he once hunted. Guy was given the badge and task to protect the birds he once hunted. It was the dawn of a new era. Guy was killed by another plume hunter in the line of duty trying to protect this bird you see in the photo above… the year was 1905. Thank you Mr. Bradley for your service and allowing me the opportunity to take photos of this Great Egret. If you would like to learn more about Guy Bradley, I highly recommend the book “Death In The Everglades” by Stuart B. McIver.
Kim@Snug Harbor
Posted at 21:06h, 16 FebruaryYou've done a beautiful job of capturing him and I love seeing the plumes. It reminds me of Audubons drawing in this picture:
Nicely done Brian!
Janet from IL
Posted at 00:36h, 17 FebruaryHello from the cold north!
I bet Guy Bradley is "looking down" right now and admiring your photos. What a pretty bird, and the American flag makes it really special.
Florida history is so interesting but it's not easy to find up north! I had no clue that plume poachers ever existed, or that plumed hats were ever so popular, for that matter. I read a few reviews online of the book that you mentioned and it looks very good. I'll see if I can find it at the local library. Any other book recommendations are always appreciated.
I read your review of the Audubon book, and I'll look for that too. I'd love to find a similar style of book that focuses on shells, but I've had no luck yet!
As an aside, Capt Brian, did you get any photos of last night's sunset? I watched it for almost an hour online and took a few "screen shots" for the memories. It was gorgeous. (Even more so than usual.)
Capt. Brian Holaway
Posted at 23:36h, 17 FebruaryJanet, I didn't get any photos from the sunset that day. I was inland packing for the everglades. However I could see the beautiful glow from where I was at. Glad you got to see the sunset. The only thing better than sunset on the water is sunrise on the water.
Capt. Brian Holaway
Posted at 23:36h, 17 FebruaryThanks Kim!
Traci Mason
Posted at 19:16h, 18 FebruaryYou take such great pictures. A real good eye for those perfect posses. Just love the flag shots!!
Oh Everglade trip!!!! Yay…can you do a posting of it. Just love your Everglade adventures!!
I'll go check out that book…always love a good book of Florida.
Posted at 09:54h, 22 FebruaryThe egret's wing feathers look like angel wing shells. The first picture reminds me of the egret on the cover of Paul Brooke's "Meditations on Egrets". What a gorgeous day it must have been with that brilliant blue sky. Beautiful photos!